Our client was enjoying the open road on his motorcycle when he was hit by a semi-truck. He sustained a serious head injury. While the defense argued that our client was at fault because he was not wearing a motorcycle helmet, Art Kosieradzki proved successfully that the semi-driver was still responsible for the accident and settled his case for $6 million.
Verdicts and Settlements
Motorcyclist seriously injured in collision with semi truck
Litigation Type - Motorcycle Accidents
Client Injury - Head Injury

Mistake By Surgeon & Anesthesiologist Causes Spinal Cord Injury
Litigation Type - Medical Malpractice
Client Injury - Quadriplegia
Our client underwent surgery for a cervical diskectomy and fusion. She received a spinal cord injury at C6 when the anesthesiologist applied traction to her cervical spine so the surgeon could measure for a bone graft. The spinal cord injury caused permanent, incomplete quadriplegia.

Motorcycle Driver Needs Leg Amputation
Litigation Type - Motorcycle Accidents
Client Injury - Leg Amputation
A 26-year-old man was out for a motorcycle ride when a commercial van took a left in front of him on a green light. Our client suffered multiple fractures to his lower leg, a shoulder injury, and “road rash.” The leg injury required several surgeries, but they were unsuccessful in healing the fractures. Unfortunately, one year later, the client underwent an amputation of his lower leg.

Winter Truck Accident Causes Brain Injury to Passenger
Litigation Type - Car Accidents
Client Injury - Brain Injury
Winter preparations lands our client in the hospital for half a year and saddles him with lifelong injuries. Michael agreed to help a neighbor place markers for the snow plow drivers in their neighborhood. When the pickup truck Michael was seated on lurched forward, he was seriously brain injured. Claims for the negligent operation of the truck were successful against both the driver and his home owners association. Jeff Sieben and the SiebenCarey team worked with top videographers to document the person that Michael was before the tragedy. Through the help of expert life care planning and top video interviews of Michael’s friends and family, the at fault driver and his home owner’s association agreed to pay $3,750,000 to help Michael pay for future care needs and recognize the major changes this has caused Michael and his family.

Surgical Mistake Caused a Young Girl to Lose Both Kidneys
Litigation Type - Surgical Complications
Client Injury - Loss of Kidneys
Our client was a young girl who had to have a kidney removed due to the presence of a tumor. During the surgery, the surgeon inadvertently cut off the blood flow to the remaining healthy kidney and it, too, was lost. Following a year of dialysis (along with chemotherapy for the tumor), the minor underwent a kidney transplant. Our client can expect to require four to five more transplants over her lifetime and increased risks for a host of complications related to the medications she will take for the rest of her life.

Brutal Bar Assault Causes Permanent Brain Damage
Litigation Type - Other Accidents
Client Injury - Permanent Brain Damage
Our client and friends were drinking heavily at a bar in St. Cloud, MN. When they left the bar, intoxicated, our client went with the defendant and a woman to a "party", which turned out to be the defendant's apartment where he brutally assaulted our client. Our client was found by other residents approximately two hours later, lying on the floor in the apartment building. Due to the serious injuries he sustained from the assault, our client spent over a year at the Courage Center and has permanent brain damage and required 24 hour care for the rest of his life. The defendant was arrested and charged with 1st Degree Assault and pled guilty to those charges and was incarcerated.

Hospital Negligence Causes Brain Damage to Infant
Litigation Type - Hospital Negligence
Client Injury - Brain Damage
Our clients were a mother and father and their infant son. While in the hospital, the infant was given sodium in place of his formula causing brain damage.

Class Action Lawsuit for Tuberculosis Outbreak
Litigation Type - Other Accidents
Client Injury - Tuberculosis
United States District Court Judge Richard H. Kyle approved a landmark settlement in a class action stemming from a TB outbreak at the Ramsey County Correctional Facility.

Product liability sledding accident
Litigation Type - Product Liability
Client Injury - Paralysis
Shelly and John Marcon recall feeling a profound sense of relief after a Hennepin County jury returned a favorable verdict and they received $9 million for a paralyzing injury their son Luke suffered while riding a popular plastic sled sold by the K-Mart Corporation. "We know now that no matter what Luke needs, we will be able to provide it for him. That's a tremendous burden lifted," said Shelly Marcon following the announcement of the verdict. "We also want other parents to know about the dangers of this type of sled. No parent should have to go through what we have."

Train accident kills four Minnesota Teens
Litigation Type - Train Accidents
Client Injury - Death
Our client and 3 friends were driving across a railroad crossing in Anoka County when their car was hit by a freight train and they were all killed. Bill Bongard represented the family of one of the teens. He and attorneys for the other teens filed a claim against the BNSF railroad for negligence in causing their deaths.

Verdicts and Settlements